Introduction to Project Management

Introduction to Project Management

ID: UBPM-001

Fees: Euro € 500 (VAT Excluded if applicable)

Project Management

Course Objectives

This course provides an introduction to the principles of Project Management. It is designed to teach you excellent Project Management skills. Participants attending this course learn the skills required to successfully implement any project, within budget and on schedule. This course provides a comprehensive overview of Project Management methods – without focusing on a specific methodology – providing a sound base knowledge for project managers to work from.

Course Target Audience

This course is highly recommended for Project managers and project team members who want to improve their project processes.

Course Delivery

This course is delivered via classroom-based lecture and discussions with a case study on the last day. The course is delivered over 5 days.

 NOTE: If conducted on-site client should provide classroom or other suitable quiet area with chairs, desks, whiteboard and overhead projector.

Course Certification

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded an UniBuild Training certificate featuring the course title, dates, venue, and instructor.