Working Safely

Working Safely


Fees: Euro € 100 (VAT Excluded if applicable)

HSEIn HouseOil & Gas

Course Objectives

Working safely is for individuals at any level, in any sector, needing grounding in the essentials of safety and health.

Working Safely is aimed at all employees and is designed to improve the safety culture within an organization. It focuses on how individual actions contribute to health and safety in the workplace.

Course Target Audience

For individuals at any level in any sector needing grounding in the essentials of health and safety.

Course Delivery

The course is delivered by classroom mode of training based on approved presentation and training manual by an approved tutor.

The course is delivered over one day.

Course Outline

  • Introduction to Working Safely
  • Defining Hazards and Risk
  • Identifying Common Hazards
  • Improving Safety Performance
  • Protecting our Environment

Course Certification

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded an UniBuild Training certificate featuring the course title, dates, venue, and instructor.